Public Product Management Transforms Private at Walmart

For those of you that know me,

know that I am more a of engineer than a product guy. Even so, I was hired on to transform the Walmart Platform Products using my engineering and open source experience as the Walmart Platform Product Director. It’s been very interesting so far. Not without some bumps and bruises along the way. I am happy to say that we are in our 5th month running an internal Platform Product Guild, largely based on the success we the OpenStack community have had with the OpenStack Product working group. We have development teams publishing Product Roadmaps that we regularly review across product teams and with customers. We are directing customer and engineering feature requests into our Product Roadmaps and product development cycles. We still a lot of quality to improve on, but we have made great progress so far. I am looking forward into 2017 to include more open source behaviors in the product development processes at Walmart. Stay tuned for more details as I can share them.

Author: sarob