My takeaways from the first OpenStack Operators Summit

This was planned for operator brainstorming on providing feedback to the development community. We wanted to not only discuss operators issues, but come up with some actionable things to work on. It was a 9-5 day. We mostly stayed on task, running down feature issues and ways to make them work for operators. We ended with our goal of outlining an OpenStack operators focused blueprint. In short, getting operators needs into developer blueprints as they are created. We are thinking this blueprint on blueprints should land in the storyboard project as it aims to improve on launchpad.
As a short term way to get the operators needs into the designs, we are pushing to get operators into the summit design sessions. They need to be active and vocal. To be prepared, operators need to do their homework and be familiar with the proposed designs before the summit.
A secondary theme that came out of the gathering was the need to improve the operators communication with the developers through increased participation. The many varied ways of participating in the OpenStack community is not completely understood. I will working with the OpenStack Foundation staff and other community members up through the Juno summit on making participation better understood.

Find the raw notes from today’s summit in San Jose on this etherpad.

Author: sarob