We reviewed the state of OpenStack. And it’s good!
- Average 401 monthly contributors
- Total 2069 contributors to date
- 324 companies, 27 members, 59 sponsors, 238 supporters
- Ohloh OpenStack history
- Stackalytics OpenStack history
We are not just a bunch of stats, BUT the average number of contributors is a very important stat. For reference, here is the Linux Kernel verses OpenStack monthly contributors graph (graph lifted from ohloh).
We discussed the foundation’s 2014 goals
- Improve the upstream software
- Continue to improve interoperability between upstream OpenStack and the downstream services that rely on them
- Grow the OpenStack service providers footprint globally
We went into details about the status of the trademark policy update. We have developed criteria and will start socializing soon.
We discussed third-party CI pipelines and OpenStack nova, cinder, and neutron drivers at length. The work of making driver testing mandatory is on schedule and will be mostly completed by Sept 2014.
Tim Bell and myself went over the Operators Summit held yesterday, 03 March 2014. The short of it is we need to train operators for contribution, developers need to communicate designs better, and the whole skill transition from release mentality to agile. Raw notes here.
Toby Ford went over the Network Function Virtualization NFV project going on within the telecom industry. I am very interested in working with these guys to start integrating them into projects and starting some new ones.
That’s it other than the mandatory eating and drinking afterwards. We all parted friends and comrades until the next meeting just before the summit. Let me know if you have any questions or comments below.